We had the privilege to meet Sarah who was in charge of the children’s church and we were able to assist her and her helpers to run the children’s church program this morning. There was about 30 kids that attended all dressed beautifully with their best cloths I’m sure. These kids are all so loving and make you feel so welcome as they run to give you hugs and climb on your back or touch your hair (if you have any). It was fun to just love these kids and help them to participate in the songs, crafts, and Bible stories. Crystelle was even able to assist by reading a Bible story to them as they all sat in a circle and listened intently.
It was a certainly a different style of worship in the main service for the portion we were apart of but you could see the love these people have for the Lord as they sang and danced and even pulled a few members of our family into the aisles and to the front to join in the praise (I won’t mention any names of church staff or children of mine that may have danced).

When we returned from church we were hoping to hear some good news that Terrace’s impala was found, but still no good news. They still assured us that they would keep looking and after reviewing the video again today, with a frame by frame option, we had a little more hope again as the shot looked good. We would just have to wait and see when they could look again on Monday morning.

Later in the evening it was great to see the vehicles pulling in with the team! We greeted everyone and it was fun to see the excitement in all of them that we felt arriving a few days ago and that I felt last year when I first arrived at Shikwaru. We really look forward to working together with everyone. I’m anticipating great things through the upcoming archery ministry this week.
Dwight, thanks for being so consistent in updating us. It's great to hear all your stories and we trust that God will make His will for your family very clear. I know it's not going to be an easy decision on where you will do ministry - Canada or Africa - either way I have no doubt that God will use each of you!
ReplyDeletePS Terrace, Jaelyn and Crystelle, we'd love to hear your thoughts in the blog also. 😉