"As we drove away from Shikwaru Lodge in the van I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever return. I know that I would love to go back and bring my family along to see and experience all that I have. This will have to be something to pray about and see what God has to say. He certainly provided clear direction via various sources for this last trip. I will have to trust His leading to see what He has for the future. For now I will have to continue to serve Him at home as there are many needs there as well. It is just a different mission field!"
With so much going on here you can wonder why go to Africa? I cannot answer that completely but I do know that as we have walked through this process and asked God that same question He has amazingly answered just enough for us to confirm that we needed to proceed with this trip. We continue to love serving in many areas here at home, but we also want to expose ourselves and our girls to the opportunities that God may have for all of us around the world. With the barriers of cost, schedules, vacation time, immunizations, visas, and other details all slowly being worked out since we made the decision to go we cannot help but once again feel that God has worked this all out and confirmed this is His will for our family! So many of you are already a part of this ministry by partnering with us in prayer and by your generous gifts to make this trip possible. I want to say "Thank You" to each of you for your individual roles in our lives and the support you have shown us in so many ways.
As we prepare to go it is fun to look back on my past experience and try to think how the rest of our family feels as they prepare to go for the first time. Please pray that we would find time before we go to prepare our hearts to serve. Also pray that we would find practical ways to prepare lessons (Bible Studies), games and activities that we can use to help connect to the kids that we meet. Finally pray that we would be willing to adapt and serve in whatever way God sees fit. We are praying for changed lives for not only the people that we serve but also for our family!